No-need-to-be mellow, Yellow

With summer peeking its head round the corner, we’re inspired to add a bold touch of sunshine yellow somewhere at endemicworld HQ…

interior design yellow doors
















Someone hand me a paintbrush, stat – I need to paint some doors bright yellow! via

art prints on wall



wall art and yellow sidetable



































OK, better make that a couple of paintbrushes and a spray can. Do you have any old furniture favourites that could take a bold colour makeover like this? via

yellow shelves












Books look good in yellow. via

kitchen with yellow design
























Citrus is right at home in the kitchen. via

wall prints and cushions



art, books and cushions




























Need a colour splash that’s more affordable and more versatile than paint or new furniture? Cushions and prints win every time. PS: Love chevrons! via


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