Margarita Vovna Traverse Exhibition

In preparation for her upcoming show ‘Traverse’ Margarita Vovna has been working in the Endemicworld studio spaces, she kindly let us photograph her while she worked and answered some of our questions about her show which is apart of Art Week Auckland. We are excited about the diverse work Margarita has planned for the show and to see how her year of travel has influenced the exhibition.

Traverse Opening Night
Friday 12th October, 6-8pm
62 Ponsonby Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland
View Facebook event for more details >>

1. What is the idea behind your show ‘Traverse’?

The show is about travel and change. I had a very colourful year, and am often curious about how certain places and experiences leave traces behind.

2. Where and how did the idea behind the show come about?

I was in San Francisco a year ago doing touristy things, and looking down at my feet there was ‘Traverse’ carved onto the ground. It stood out. I had conversations with Endemic about a potential show before I left. And I let that simmer over my time away. Hoarding ideas, and refining what I wanted to do. I found a way to include all my various styles in this, while still having a cohesive theme and paying homage to some of my past work. 

3. What pushed you to have the show?

I think I like to take life in chapters and when I go through one which is saturated in inspiration and diverse visual stimulation it’s natural for me to find a reason to express and show that. I feel the need to get my ideas out and be free to move onto other things, or let the experience of having an exhibition guide me onto the next direction. 

4. How is this work different from your previous shows? 

I’m playing around with some new shapes and 3D objects, it’s really fun and has opened up so many possibilities. Also, the work is concentrated and on a much more smaller and detailed scale. It’s an entirely different discipline for me as I like to move around when I’m making things. Lots of patience and sitting still, but nice to develop another area of skill.

5. What can people coming to the show expect to see? 

Everything, all sorts. Portraits, paintings, photography, sculpture, black and white colour. A good time. 

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